Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Texting: Her’s wot I want 2 say abt that

Car doors open with a smooth metal click and heavy plastic clunk; pull and close with a thunk and we’re in. Seatbelts slide on and I back out looking over my shoulder, and in my bottom vision I see the phones come out. The girls might wait politely to ask for the staticky radio station that will sync with the Itrip signal for their Ipods, but the phones are already open and the same sound my fingers are making now on these keys comes out double time with tinier clicks in the back seat. We might chat above the music and enough might even get said, but all the while the clicking goes on and the car is filled with five or six or more invisible people in staccato conversation, a chittering sidebar of chat and quick response, many hahahas and lols, yet withal a constant communication, a parallel virtual sign languaging, rapid fire and coincident with the car ride, long or short. So then, :( but <3. Click send.


Anonymous said...

At least you don't have them begging for a princess phone for their rooms!

Anonymous said...

Maybe a more developed phone protocol will help. These devices were supposed to make life better?
Is this worse than being tied to the crackberry?

Gabe said...


Mom and I just saw this. Terrific.

Dad with Mom